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Keeping it Real

The Khalife family are fanatical about food. Beyond the visual and flavor, quality and authenticity is of the upmost importance. That's why at Eezo's the Khalife family dedicates countless hours working to source the finest ingredients just to provide products that aren't corrupted with artificial flavors, unnatural preservatives, and genetically modified foods that plague the industry. Just like how their ancestors did it back in Jbeil, Lebanon.

This is their story.

Humble Beginnings 

Samir Khalife emigrated from Jbeil, Lebanon (One of the oldest cities known to man) in the mid - 80's due to a horrific civil war that terrorized his home country. Being an extraordinary handyman he entered the granite industry in San Francisco by starting off in a garage. As the years went by his small business erupted into the national scale, doing commercial granite all over the US. Samir with his wife Anissa loved spending every minute outside work throwing parties and preparing authentic Lebanese cuisine for their friends and family to enjoy, hospitality and food were in their DNA.


The Khalife family enjoyed the success of their granite business for many years until the financial collapse of 2008. After being in the industry for over 25+ years they officially had to shut their doors. With a family of 6 to feed and a deep passion for culinary, on November 1st, 2012 they decided to open their pride and joy Fresh Bites, an Organic Lebanese restaurant located in Tampa, Florida. Due to the reception of the community, the Khalife family have now decided to package authentic Lebanese foods using the highest quality ingredients for retail consumption, under their brand name Eezo's, named after a famous Lebanese folk tale. 

Bright Future

Since starting Eezo's, the Khalife family has been hard at work supplying their fine products to households all around, and constantly working on making new recipes and products. You can catch them cooking up a delicious meal at their restaurant, or running around town at the local farmers market exchanging smiles and doing what they love!  

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